Oh.My.Goodness! It was INSANE! As I am driving to Sacha's at 10:30 pm I am thinking, we should not go to Disney store at midnight, we should just get up at 4am and go to wally world, this is crazy! Sacha was determined, we were going to Disney. We get to to the mall, pull up in the parking lot and FREAK OUT! The mall is completely packed! The parking lot is FULL. We start running in, thinking we are missing something good, for all those people to be there, it must be good! The entire mall is open... at midnight! CRAZY! It was the busiest I have ever seen it! It was so crazy! So we get in Disney at 12:10 and the line to check out is already wrapped all the way around the store. So we find some good deals, get our stuff, wait in line for 30 minutes and then make the decision that this just turned into an all night er. We stayed up all night! If you know Sacha and I very well, then you know we can be extreme opposite. Sacha is a chipper and bubbly person...even at 3 am! (Amy says this is her prime time-late at night) I on the other hand can tend to whine and complain and grumble. So I am grumbling, saying I didn't sign up for an all nighter, sacha even said at one point, ok we can just leave, but I said oh no, no that's ok. I just want to complain! ; ) Sacha is chatting with everyone in the 30 minute lines were in, helping people with there purchases, with there shopping and I am trying not to fall asleep and keel over. It was actually really funny looking back on it. I will admit, who would you rather be around, let's just say, I went shopping with the right person! Sacha and I are like sister's though, we catfight and get annoyed at each other, so that made it a little more interesting! We didn't leave the mall till 4ish, went to Walmart at 5 and met Amy, who just couldn't hack walmart and the crazies, so she took off and we met up with her at Target. By 9am we had spent all of our money and were so far beyond exhausted we could barely walk. Good times were had though, and I am sure we will do it again next year! I am still recovering from the sleep deprivation, I am not as young as I used to be!

Sacha is putting on her makeup at 12am and I am waiting outside the car telling her to hurry!

We are almost to the front of a very long line at the Disney store!

Here is Sacha going over an ad with someone who is in line in front of us! Notice how chipper she is!

Here she is wondering how she spent so much at Disney...we must stop and get everything out and add it up in the middle of the mall, surely oh surely they made a mistake, right?

Now we are in old nav and she is taking a picture of hoodies that maybe her mother in law might want to get the boys for christmas, cause you know she might check her email at 2am, call sach and say YES, I love them, get em!

Here I am...faking excitment!

Never a dull moment with Sacha!

I am fading fast!

Whataburger is a MUST at 4am!

Sacha is finally wearing out a little!

We were freaking out because there is a kid in there! At 4:30 am at Walmart!Um...can you say child abuse?

Watch out...she means buisness!

This is Walmart at 4:59,everyone is waiting for the skrink wrap to be ripped off the pallets and then the madness begins!

Amy and Sacha at Target, our last stop!
ok...i am seriously laughing at your recap right now...mainly at the thought of the two of YOU shopping at a horribly awful hour. yuck. i just have no words when it comes to sacha & her classic traits...she is one of a kind. that's why we love her!
She is one of a kind, and she was a trooper! Love ya Sach! Thanks for putting up with me all night!
sooo funny. I called Jenn at 5 a.m. when I was checking out at Wal-mart to see how she made out. She was a little "short" on the phone and she told me she did an all nighter. I said, "Oh wow, no wonder you're cranky." Jenn said, "I'M NOT CRANKY!" hehehe
Ha ha ha-Like your take & I look chubo in some of those pics! Scary!You have to tell everyone that we got 50-75% off,at least, on most of our Christmas haul!!Didn't spend as much as we thought either! Oh, & I did try to take something back in the middle of the night- ha ha "Hurry" is Jenn's favorite word, but WalMart brings out all that inner beauty !! After Monsters, cokes, and Lattes we still tried to go by Ulta after Disney, Forever 21, Carters, Old Navy, Children's Place, Whataburger, WalMart, Target, and Walgreens!$2 Disney toys, $50 tea cart for $15, $7.5 Old Navy hoodies, $2 shirts & $5 skirts, $2 DVDs, $4 pjs, track suits, velour baby suits,clogs, & 2 for $7 webkinz, to mention a few!!Heeey!!!Gotta love the McKinney sisters!;)
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